Breast in The Woodlands, TX

Conveniently located to serve Houston and Montgomery County

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Click one of the links to learn more about Breast Surgery The Woodlands, TX

Breast Augmentation – enlarge breasts to the desired size using either saline or silicone

Lift – raise breasts to a more youthful position

Reduction – reduce breast size

Gynecomastia – male breast reduction

Breast Asymmetry – a number of breast surgeries to correct breast asymmetry

Dr. Rivela uses only FDA-approved saline and silicone breast implants from the finest manufacturers in the nation and he utilizes all incision techniques as well as above-and-below-muscle placements, depending on your needs and goals. Together, you will decide which method and implant style is best for you. Dr. Rivela will work carefully to ensure that any visible scarring from the procedure is minimal and as light as possible. His results speak for themselves. The entire procedure typically takes about two hours or less to complete and can be performed as an outpatient. Most patients elect to undergo general anesthesia, but local anesthesia with sedation is an option. Visit the link above to learn more about your breast surgery in The Woodlands, TX/Spring Area.

Breast Surgery The Woodlands TX